Friday, April 23, 2010

So Many Books - New Blog to Handle Volume

With Spring finally here - I decided to start a new blog for all my book reviews. I have a number of them, and several more in the works.

I felt like the other blog, called Personal Passionate Pursuits should be wholly for posting what I'm learning, have learned, and what kinds of cool things God is doing in my life should be posted.

So - today I started this blog. It will be a place where I will post my book reviews.

I am passionate about reading. The dictates of my chocolate business sometimes demand that I don't get as much time as I'd like for reading - but I've decided that when I do get the time - I will here is where I'll post my thoughts on what I've read.

I am a Bethany House book review blogger and I am also a Thomas Nelson book review blogger. That means when new books come out, I can sometimes read them before they're in the stores, and I also get them free.

Some of the books I'll be posting reviews for include: The Rewards of Simplicity, Beguiled, Wonders Never Cease, Hunter's Moon, Plan B (on May 3rd this review will be posted), and several others. I will also post reviews for books I've read in the past and books I'm not being "compensated" (the free book) for.

As an example: I've just re-read the classic Sir Walter Scott's Ivanhoe. I had an aunt named Rowena, and I wondered again why my grandmother chose this name. So - I have immersed myself in Ivanhoe the book, plus two versions of the film. Those musings will follow in their due course. There will be other classics, other newer older books that aren't classics yet, that I hope will be, and we may or may not start another bog to review movies/TV, etc. We'll see.

Because I have in mind to review Blessed Child, and A Man Called Blessed, and other books I've read in the past that I think you should either read or not read. That will be up to you.

So - if you love a good book, but aren't sure which ones will be worth your while - just keep an eye on this blog and maybe you'll find a day where you can curl up with a cup of your favorite beverage and a good book. It may not even be a rainy day. It may be a sunny day on your back porch...

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