Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Storm Warning by Billy Graham

Storm Warning

By Billy Graham

            I’m a bit late in getting this review in. I received this book for review from Thomas Nelson three years ago – about the time I got too busy to review for a while.

            With terrorists, bad weather, natural disasters, and global economy crashes, Billy Graham paints a serious picture of our planet and of mankind. He discusses the cults of spiritual deception, in other words, we believe not the truth, but other belief systems or embracing other religions. He talks of the cult of self, me, myself, and I – we put ourselves first, and others possibly not at all.

            He talks about the changes he has seen in his lifetime, just in Russia, for example. When he began his ministry, it was part of the U.S.S.R., and now not only has communism fallen, but there is a revival of sorts brewing.

            Using the book of Revelation, Mr. Graham goes through the four horsemen of the Apocalypse, the red, the pale, white, and the black horses. Each has their own meanings. The red horse rides and there have wars, rumors of wars, and aggression from Third World nations.

            He then goes through the seals, and we can be sealed in Christ to weather the storm. This book comes as a warning to be sober, aware, and to acknowledge the truth.

            Mr. Graham has a practical style of writing that mirrors his preaching. He lays out his points, and explains them in easily understandable language. That’s just one of the reasons he is a beloved evangelist, preacher, and author.

            Even though this book is three years, because I’m late in writing this – I won’t be late when Christ returns for us in all His glory.

            I’d give this book five stars. It’s still applicable today.

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